THE trout need you
Save Wild Trout believes in sustainable fishing practices that will limit unnecessary stress to our already-struggling trout populations. Taking the pledge encourages stress-reducing fishing practices and gives wild trout a better chance of survival when up against tough habitat conditions.
Pledge to be a responsible Save Wild Trout angler that uses best practices and strives to protect the future of wild trout below.
Keep fish wet
Fish need oxygen to survive, and fish get their oxygen from the water. When landing a fish, keep your net in the water and the fish fully submerged to minimize any air exposure. And yes, this means no “grin ‘n grip” photos for Instagram. To learn more about the importance of keeping fish wet, visit www.keepfishwet.org/.
Use single-pointed, barbless flies
Single barbless hooks are both less damaging to fish and easier to remove. Check out this video to learn how to crimp the barb on a fly hook.
Call it quits at 68°F
Trout are cold water species, meaning warm water temperatures are not only stressful to trout but can be deadly. Keep a thermometer in your pack or boat (see here), consistently monitor the temperature of the river, and reel the line in when water temperatures reach 68°F. Follow this Healthy Trout River Water Temperature Guide, and get a thermometer for your pack here and your boat here.
Reduce handling time and use the no-touch release method
Quickly and safely release fish with the no touch release method and avoid needless handling to reduce stress and increase survival. Purchase a no touch hook release tool here.
Follow state management regulations
Be aware of all local fishing regulations and abide by them - fishing closures, catch and release regulations, fishing and access fees etc.
Redefine a successful day on the river
There’s so much more to fly fishing than catching fish. Enjoy the experience - a day on the river is a day well spent, whether fish are landed or not.
sign the pledge
I take the Save Wild Trout Fly Fishing Pledge and vow to use best practices to limit my impact on wild trout populations. I will apply these practices when on the river, leading by example, and encourage fellow anglers to do the same.